This is just a part of the stratagem about factory distribution site. The detail is use more robots to make the Louis Vuitton bags at the begainning of the workshop, to do the best to increase the pruduction for holding the business.
"What is our problem is how to increase and without reducing our brand image," said by Yves Carcelle standing in the new factory, the CEO. There are apricots and cherry trees around the factory.
The luxury brands must have somethings different that could tell apart from the mass-market brands. Just like Louis Viutton never stop to push the envelope: not only making the productions showing on the T-stage, which worth thousands of EURO, but also has millions of female want to be a wish-for customer who can own handbags and wallets that has the classic logo combined brown colour and golden alphabets. LV is considering to launch perfume production and other high-fashion brand production to get more attenation, you won't find LV perfume in department store or in corporate chain shop, it will sale only in LV exclusive store.
There is a very unique pozition for Louis Vuitton in luxury brand business. The analyst estimated LV has a saleroon that more ten billions of ERUO than its rival, like Gucci (which has 27 billions of EURO saleroom). LVMH has other brands included Dom Perignon, the fashion brand of Fendi, and Sephora cosmetics corporate chain shop.
If a factory have increase production, that means its throughput has been improved by keeping growing. As to LVMH, has 17 factories, which manufacture handbags and accessories. Marsaz is the 12th factory. And has three others in Spain, two factories is in California. In the last year, LV closed the shoe in France by the reduction of inventory. Some companies produce components like the company in Asia only make the zip!
The financial crisis has gone. And most luxury brands have a rapid expand. Well not LV, after the saleroom has been inceased as 22%, Carcelle said the expand will slow down a little bit in this year! Other brands like Prada and Hermes have both eagerly opening their exclusive shop in China, but Carvelle thought LV has been in China for over 20 years and that 's for the most part ! also inculded replica handbags.456 stores of LV exclusive store, 100more than Gucci, its all over has make it selectivity when it needs a new exclusive shop!
Careful choice for the new store
There are only five new store address added to LV's selling network in this year! For example, Singapore! To expand the shop is avaliable right now is the improtant stratagem,like the shop in Milan
LV established the factory around Mont Saint-Michel in 2002, Mr. Carcelle has began to plan the next time of opening up! The first factory excetpe in Paris has been built in Saint-Donat in 1977, but canceled by did not reached the standard of company. And that is the reason why Mr. Carcelle decided to bulid a new one in Marsaz, which will use the lastest machine and can contain 200 workers or more! Mr.C said that would coat thousands of EURO for the industry investment!
LV have to find many other ways to improve the production by the years of building the factory in Marsaz! Inspired by the car manufature of Japanese, Mr.C turn to the mature lean-pruduction.
More than 10 worker to make a U shape team , and then it can add more than 10% of factory area zone without any cost! "we can hire more 300 workers with not need to add a new factory" said by MR.C
The robot instead of the labour power
Every step would have protenial profit! So the shoes manufature in Italy, has use the robot to collect the shoe patterns, that would not have the workers pacing back and forth bewteen the workbench and counter. "It is pretty save time to use robots!"
LV developed a new computer program: it is benefit fot recongize the leather and the incision after recevied the leather! It is need to kown about where to incision and there are many different materials to make a whole handbag! So that program has reduce the waste of leather!!